Defining Your Sectors
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The process of defining your sectors is an attempt to identify the quintessential features of your strategy and formalize your selection criteria.

The Asset Allocation Within Your Asset Allocation
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It is good to take the two categories which are most similar and use them as underlying sector divisions within the same larger asset class.

Your Asset Allocation Should Be Priceless
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The value of not running out of money when making withdrawals cannot be measured.

Radio: Employment Tips for Recent Grads

David John Marotta and Megan Russell were interviewed on the radio discussing ways recent graduates can make themselves more attractive to employers in today’s tough job market.

The Art of the Rebalancing Bonus
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Portfolio design and rebalancing is both a science and an art. Knowing that rebalancing boosts returns is useless unless you as the investor follow through.

How to Get Jobs for “Unemployable” Degrees
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The list of jobs for a History major seems quite short: Historian and Historic Preservation come quickly, then maybe Politics, if you think particularly hard about it.

The Science of the Rebalancing Bonus
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Rebalancing can both boost returns and lower volatility, but most investors do not understanding how.

The A’s of Government (2012 Budget)
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This is a complete list of the budgets and purposes of the federal agencies that begin with the letter A.

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Financial Planning
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The cost of commission-based advisors are so hidden that you may be paying more than you realize.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios: Incomplete Rebalancing Algorithm
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See our review of the two pros and nine cons of how Schwab monitors and rebalances portfolios.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios: Built on a Faulty Premise
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It is a great marketing campaign, and the service is a wonderful idea, but the asset allocations of SIPs aren’t actually that intelligent.

Did Obama Violate an SEC Regulation?
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From the blind eye of the law, this seems like a violation of SEC regulation.

Twitter’s Reign of Terror
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“They find whatever is different and peck it to death.”

“Citizenfour” Reminds Us We Should Still Be Outraged
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The domestic spying of the executive branch deserves our outrage. Efforts like “Citizenfour” that keep the issue in the public eye deserve our support.

Three Reasons To Engage In Gift Giving
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The new holiday cliché is to complain about hyper-materialism, but gifts and gift giving help shape our identities.

The President’s Impact
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Obama evidently believes that politicians are elected to make a difference in the lives of Americans. The problem is that no one can opt out of a federal impact.

Wealth Redistribution and the Most Social President
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The loudest tend to drown out competitors regardless of whose reasoning is better.

One Hidden Way the IRS Hurts the Bereaved
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It is often said that the only two certainties in life are death and taxes. The IRS takes that truism to heart.

The Success of Freedom Investing
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It is a simple thought experiment. Would you rather invest in South Korea or in North Korea?

Understanding Cash Flow Is Critical
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Regardless of income level, overspending causes poverty.

The Delirious Happiness of Free Market Choice
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Here is one of the most brilliant breakthroughs in all of food science and how it relates to almost every aspect of life.

Obama Acts Like a Mob Boss, But There Is a Solution
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A mob boss exercises absolute control over his many followers and profits from the often criminal activities of his organization.

Contact Lens Regulations Cost Consumers Billions
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It is illegal to sell contacts in the United States without requiring a prescription. A Federal Trade Commission regulation provides penalties of up to $11,000 per violation.

How Not to Promote College Innovation
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These noble-sounding goals intuitively appear useful, but the federal government has only two ways to encourage change and neither of them helps in this case.

Stop Borrowing From Yourself
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Stop borrowing from your future self. Each day you fail to save is another day where you tighten the ball and chain around your ankle. You deserve better than that.

How To Buy A College Degree
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Unfortunately, Obama’s good intentions are thwarted by the economic principle formulated by banker Charles Goodhart.

Financial Willpower
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The amount of energy available in the brain to exercise self-regulation and resist temptation is a limited resource. When the account runs out, well… you know the kind of decisions you make.

The Economics of a Thanksgiving Turkey
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The average factory-farmed frozen turkey from a grocery story is sold for as little as $0.67 per pound. Economics can offer five explanations.

We Need a Partial Shutdown of Government
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Unless McConnell is willing to risk a government shutdown, he will ultimately have to acquiesce to Obama’s wishes.

Mailbox: Which States Allow Prize-Linked Savings Accounts?
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There are thirteen states so far. Does your state allow them?

Do New Healthcare Plans Cost More?
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Last year plans were being cancelled. This year, citizens are receiving notifications of rate hikes in the double digits. Is this really happening?

Interview with Senatorial Candidate Robert Sarvis
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We e-mailed all the senatorial candidates inviting them to be interviewed on our blog. Of all the candidates, Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian 2014 Virginia Senatorial candidate, was the only one to respond.

The Drive of the Lottery
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The lottery is based on the most powerful way to motivate people and change their behavior: a variable reward in response to a specific behavior.

The Mindset of the Lottery
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The classic conversational pastime of answering the question, “What would you do if you won the lottery?” could help you or it could hurt.

The Luck of the Lottery
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Government-run lotteries have a sordid and monopolistic past. Should we enforce a separation of sin and state?

Five Lessons from the Whiskey Rebellion
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The Whiskey Rebellion established the sovereignty of “we the people” to tax and oppress any selected group.

How To Diversify Highly Appreciated Stock
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Exchange funds, also know as swap funds, can provide investors with one highly appreciated security a way to trade it for an equivalently valued but more diversified portfolio.

Appreciating Donor Advised Funds
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There are five ways that both you and the government could make charitable giving more significant.

How Can We Make Medical Insurance Affordable?
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We must return, as much as possible, to a fee-for-service approach to health care and restore the traditional doctor-patient relationship.

Why Do Physicians Permit, If Not Encourage, Futile Medical Care?
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We can only afford to allow others the freedom to strive against death when we are not trying collectively to subsidize it.

Skin in the Game of Health Care
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“Shouldn’t patients and their families have some skin in the game as a brake on the profligate spending of other people’s money for health care?”

Cryptic Medical Bills And Health Insurance
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Next time you receive an unintelligible medical bill, remember how hard it is for your doctor to get paid.

U.S. Health Care Costs versus Health Outcomes
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Asians in New Jersey have the best life expectancy of any racial or ethnic group.

Why Are Insurance Companies Reluctant To Cover Preventive Care?
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Now there is absolutely no charge for a costly set of test and procedures on the all-you-can-spend preventive care buffet.

Do We Need Price Controls to Stop Exorbitant Hospital Fees?
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After the birth of my (David’s) first child, my wife and I noticed we were being billed for a very expensive bedpan and box of tissues that we had never used.

Why Are Canadian Drugs Cheaper?
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Why shouldn’t we just institute price controls in America?

Chipotle’s Wisdom
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These quotes are provocative for what they say about us as Americans.

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