The Wealth Of Nations Is Their Freedom
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“When institutions protect the liberty of individuals, greater prosperity results for all.” – Adam Smith

Are We Lab Rats?
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If you are not paying for the product, you are the product.

How to Open a Roth for Your Child
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Someone has to be proactive about your child’s retirement and every year you don’t open a retirement account is another year you’re holding back compound interest.

Our Government Versus The People
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Government has never been known for customer service. But today it is known primarily for being against the very people it is supposed to serve.

The Economics Of Healthcare
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Michael Kirsch, a practicing physician and newspaper columnist, laments that there are questions he can never answer satisfactorily for his patients. His questions are central to the public policy debate increasingly being decided by voters and politicians rather than physicians and economists.

FINRA Supports Regulation to Quell Competition
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Beware of government regulation, especially when a portion of the industry thinks it’ll be good for business.

Fight the NSA with Your Choice of Search Engine and Browser
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We are all embarrassingly honest with search engines.

Capability Is Tyranny
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Those who stand by and do nothing are complicit in aiding the loss of freedoms for others.

Seven Quotes to Summarize U.S. Surveillance
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“We don’t have concentration camps and political dissidents and large numbers being hauled into prison because we don’t need that because we have effectively put prisons inside people’s minds.”

Fourteen Ways to Avoid Paying Capital Gains
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The capital gains tax traps wealth in an investment vehicle requiring special techniques to free the capital without penalty.

Capital Gains Tax Gets More Complicated
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Now you may pay one of at least four different capital gains rates. The strategies to deal with capital gains differ for each level.

How To Bilk Obamacare
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Learn how a family of four can qualify for a full subsidy with an income of $140,000 a year.

Should You Ditch Your Budget?
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Could this scheme from Mr. Money Mustache change your budgeting strategy?

The Purpose Of The Federal Reserve
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Unlike the markets, members of the Fed are able to make decisions that are in exactly the wrong direction if they don’t limit themselves with a rules-based system.

Microfinance: Loans That Change Lives
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With as little as $25 you can begin loaning money to developing world entrepreneurs.

Government Requires 146 Minutes Of Service Each Day
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Without taxes, you could leave your job every day at 2:34 p.m

What Happened to the Gold Standard?
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The U.S. dollar was first regulated by the Coinage Act of 1792 and prescribed as 371.25 grains of pure silver. The eagle, worth $10, was 247.5 grains of gold. One cent, worth a hundredth of a dollar, was 24 grains … Read More

Why Is The Federal Reserve In Your Wallet?
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Members of the Federal Reserve openly admit it is not a federal agency.

What Exactly Is Quantitative Easing?
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Quantitative easing is a sneaky way to make everyone dealing in U.S. dollars pay off the U.S. debt.

How Does The Fed Control Interest Rates In A Free Market?
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Even as recently as 2007, banks were paying 4% interest. Now you have to go to the hundredth decimal before you find your interest rate.

Tax By Inflation
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In its simplest form, the government prints money and uses the newly printed currency to fund government spending.

Five Unbelievable Financial Advisor Regulations
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To comply, most firms must archive and report massive amounts of information. Here are five of the more interesting regulations.

Every Business Should Start a 401(k)
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The president’s hope to restrict the plans should actually make owners more interested in creating one.

Republicans: Defining the Three Factions
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Which part of the conservative party appeals best to you: promoting the welfare of big business, legislating morality or advocating personal freedom and responsibility?

Is Social Security Stealing Your Chance Of Being A Millionaire?
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Social Security withdrawals have enslaved workers to depend on government largess when they could have been independently wealthy.

Obama Expands the Permanently Unemployed
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The economics of the job market are complicated, and an executive order can’t grant America a higher wage.

Obama’s myRA Plan Violates Multiple ERISA Laws
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Willful violations of ERISA legislation carry criminal penalties of up to a year in prison for the plan sponsor and a fine of up to $100,000 for the corporation.

Can You Fact-Check Without Reading the Article?
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Both authors claimed there were errors in our article all the while agreeing with our assessment of the unemployment numbers.

We Were Wrong: Jobless Available Workers As High As 41.4%
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We actually underreported the portion of jobless Americans. It did not include the people who are represented in the unemployment rate.

Economic Freedom Matters 2014
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Economic freedom enriches society, lifts the poor out of poverty and respects the agency and dignity of human choice.

Should We Wallow in the Rising Stock Market?
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The stock market can occasionally benefit from the misery index.

How Long Should I Keep Financial and Tax Records?
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Whenever the IRS challenges you, the burden of producing evidence that your claims are true rests entirely with you.

Sensational Headlines Capture Nation’s Attention
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In addition to learning how a viral story can get many of the facts wrong, another more important lesson can be learned from this experience.

Five Things More Important Than Politics
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This holiday season, remember to cherish the important values of life.

Eight People Obama Charged with Espionage
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Prior to the Obama administration, only three espionage cases had ever been brought.

NSA Blanket Surveillance Unconstitutional
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“What is remarkable is that is actually acknowledging it is illegal.”

Seven Facts About World Health Care According to WHO
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This WHO 2000 Statistical Report was the study used to justify and promote the Affordable Care Act. Here are seven facts about this so-called research lurking behind politicians’ claims that our health care system is in crisis

World Health Organization 2000 Statistical Report
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After I have studied their technical reports and data for over a month and a half, I have finally been able to track their formulas and findings across the dozen sub-studies and their corresponding literature. The methods and statistical formulas used are at times surprising, alarming, or comical.

Wealth Inequality in America, Part 5
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A change in attitude is needed for the poor to develop a wealth-generating mindset.

List of Income-Tested Benefits Programs
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A total of 85 different income-tested benefit programs and their expenditure as of 2002.

Wealth Inequality in America, Part 3
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Even the negative or inconsequential effects of welfare often fail to convinced some people that a new system of assistance is necessary.

Wealth Inequality in America, Part 2
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Blaming the 85% with 100% of the wealth for the poverty of the remaining 15% is unreasonable. The two are unrelated.

Republican Genius: Budgeting One Item At A Time
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The partisan deadlock offers us a novel opportunity to reach consensus.

Wealth Inequality In America
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The video “Wealth Inequality in America” is not only misleading, but the research methods of its underlying study are laughable.

Stupid Decisions Made During Government Shutdown
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The government continued to pay for their website hosting and the domain name licensing but hid all of the data from Internet users.

Propaganda Blitz Scheduled for October 1
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Requiring employers to deliver government propaganda is genius.

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