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Our Articles

#TBT It is Time to “Scrap the Tax Code”
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Our first article posted online is a wonder to behold. This 1998 beauty is written by George Marotta, founder of Marotta Money Management. In the article, he reminds us that, “Anyone of us could design a better system, but 500 congress people cannot resist the pressure groups who want to twist the code to benefit their particular constituencies.” Decades old, this post still rings true today.

Freedom Investing’s Returns Have Been Disappointing But Normal
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The fact that a strategy can routinely underperform by -6% while still having an average out performance of +2% is a perfect representation of the inherent volatility of the markets.

#TBT How Long Should I Give An Investment Plan?
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Even the most brilliantly crafted investment plan has to be given time to work.

Freedom Investing in Review (December 2024)
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In 1-year returns ending December 31, 2024, Emerging Markets outperformed Emerging Markets ex-China by 10.1%

#TBT Realize Some Capital Gains Each Year To Keep Taxes Low
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There are at least four different capital gains tax rates. This 2017 article has how to minimize your tax owed at each one.

#TBT A Short History Of Wall Street
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Only recently has Main Street been so fully invested. This 2007 article chronicles how it all got started.

Q&A: What is Your Client’s Average Portfolio Size and Life Stage? (2025 Update)
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We have a large distribution of clients at all portfolio sizes and, surprisingly, have all life stages nearly equally represented.

#TBT Fourteen Ways to Avoid Paying Capital Gains
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The capital gains tax is economically senseless. This 2014 post has fourteen of the loopholes the government’s gain tax unintentionally incentivizes.

Bank Fraud Texts: Service or Scam?
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These are all reasons why it is best to ignore strange text messages entirely.

#TBT The Happy Habits of Appreciation and Gratitude
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This 2016 article reminds us that “there is a very simple place to start the process of changing our destiny: Each day notice the things that make you happy and try experiencing more of them.”

Election Cycle Sentiments are Unlikely to Produce Long-Term Returns
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The immediate post-election trades in the markets appear to include a number of speculative trades based on expectations of what might do well now that Trump has won the presidency.

The Haunting of Bob Cratchit: A Book from David Marotta
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Did you know David wrote a Christmas novel? This 2020 book by David John Marotta and Brendon Marotta makes you rethink what is happening in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

A Christmas Sermon from David Marotta
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This 2008 article is an uplifting, timeless sermon.

#TBT Marotta on A Christmas Carol
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Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is one of the best stories for talking about economics. This 2003 – 2012 series uses the classic tale to illustrate different financial personalities, principles, and philosophies.

State-Level Estate and Inheritance Tax
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In 2024, there are 18 states that have some form of death taxes.

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