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Our Articles

How to Update Tax Withholding at Schwab
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The steps to declare your tax withholding elections are fairly simple to accomplish online.

#TBT Don’t Increase Your Bond Allocation In Bear Markets
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There is an artistry to a bond allocation, and while historical analysis can only be suggestive, it does tell a strong narrative.

How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to an Account Owner
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You can distribute any amount of money to the account owner for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.

#TBT Are Democrats Or Republicans Better For The Stock Market?
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This 2017 article reminds us, “Stock market returns have little to do with which party holds the White House.”

How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to a Designated Beneficiary
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You can distribute any amount of money to the designated beneficiary for any reason, but only distributions which are reimbursing for qualified education expenses are tax and penalty free.

#TBT Don’t Let Politics Make You Afraid of Investing
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Election results should not change a well crafted investment strategy.

Why College America’s Online 529 Plan Distribution Process is Overly Complicated
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If you are curious about how the online process works for distributing funds from your College America 529 plan, this article is for you.

#TBT Vote Early Instead of Voting Absentee (Virginia)
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Voting early is as easy as voting in-person. You can vote whenever is convenient for you including right now.

How To Distribute from A College America 529 Plan to a College
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Any qualified education expense for the benefit of the designated beneficiary which is paid to an eligible educational institution can be paid from the 529 plan directly.

#TBT Protect Yourself By Silencing Unknown Callers
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On a smart phone, you can prevent the phone from ringing unless the person calling you is listed in your phone.

New Roth i401(k) at Schwab
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As part of SECURE Act 2.0 legislation, an Individual Roth 401(k) plan is a new account registration type available to Schwab clients.

Schwab’s Investor Checking Account Cited as Favorite Checking Account
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I was surprised that Charles Schwab’s High Yield Investor Checking account was the only named recommended checking account.

Inheriting a Joint Account at Charles Schwab
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Before you say, “Oh, that doesn’t sound too hard,” you simply haven’t thought of the complexity.

#TBT How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
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A short quote from this 2004 inspiration, “Time is so much more than money. If you have time, you can acquire more money. But money can’t buy you more time. Time is a great equalizer. You can’t go into time debt. Every day the rich and the poor alike are given twenty-four hours to spend.”

Set-Up Your New Social Security Login
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Once you set up your new login, the next time you return to Social Security, you can login using the “Sign in with LOGIN.GOV” button instead and your new credentials.

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