Investment Philosophy

Don’t Increase Your Bond Allocation In Bear Markets
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There is an artistry to a bond allocation, and while the historical analysis can only be suggestive, they do tell a strong narrative.

Should I Change Financial Advisors Over Poor Performance?
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The fact that markets are down isn’t a good reason by itself to fire your advisor, but there are reasons to switch financial advisors related to performance.

A Thoughtful Reply to the Debt Ceiling Crisis
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While there can be a lot of uncertainty, the conclusion is normally anticlimactic.

How to Implement a New Investment Plan
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Next time you are wondering if you should invest now or “wait for a better time,” remember Schwab’s study and invest now in whatever way makes you invest now.

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Retirement Planning

Account Funding Priorities for 2024
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A savings waterfall helps investors navigate the financial complexity available to them.

Dwindling Savings Highlights Need for Tax Reforms
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The Tax Foundation recently published the article “Dwindling Savings and Increasing Financial Stress Highlights Need for Tax Reforms” suggesting that tax reform could improve the current state of American personal finances.

The Best Way to Plan for Inflation is to Discount It
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By discounting portfolio returns to only real returns, we have already considered inflation in the planning targets.

Radio: Projecting Your Own Longevity
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On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about how long we should plan on living in retirement projections.

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Tax Planning

How to See Your Schwab RMD Online (2024 Update)
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On June 2024, Schwab provided an update about viewing and taking your RMD on

Biden Sets Aim on Specific Taxpayers
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Biden’s state of the union address makes clear who he wants to tax.

Less Economic Growth & More Taxes Without Congressional Action
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Alas, there is only one thing we can do to help dictate which kind of tax system we face and that is vote.

Inherited RMD Update: IRS Waives 2024 Penalties and Delays to 2025
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Taxpayers waiting for final guidance, have seen penalties waived for 2021 or 2022 RMDs, for 2023 RMDs, and now for 2024 RMDs.

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College Planning

College Saving Strategies: One-Time Gift or Monthly Contribution?
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Once you have calculated the funding requirements for your college savings goals, there are three strategies for funding the accounts.

How to Uncap Your 529 Plan Virginia State Tax Deduction
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You can have an effectively uncapped state tax deduction if you have a high tolerance for paperwork.

2023 Babies: Start Saving for College Today!
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For babies born in 2023, here are the amounts that should be saved starting at birth to cover four years of college expenses at age 18.

529-to-Roth Rollover Contribution Available in 2024 (Secure 2.0)
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This new rule says that the account owner can distribute funds from a 529 plan directly to the designated beneficiary’s Roth IRA and have the rollover “be treated in the same manner as the earnings and contributions of a Roth IRA” (meaning no taxation).

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Seven Rules to Using a Credit Card Safely
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These are the seven rules to using a credit card safely.

Baby Registry Guide from a Financial Planner (Updated 2024)
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Now that we’ve been parents for a few months, I can confidently say all of these items vastly improved our journey into parenthood.

Account Funding Priorities for 2024
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A savings waterfall helps investors navigate the financial complexity available to them.

Radio: Best Practices For Using Credit Cards
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On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about best practices for using credit cards.

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Various Topics

Avoid Investing Mistakes (the series)
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This series of articles covers some of the most common investing mistakes and how to avoid them.

The Complete Guide to Funding a Custodial Roth IRA
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Here you can find our article series detailing how and why you should fund a custodial Roth IRA for your children.

Retirement Wisdom (The Series)
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In 2004, David Marotta wrote a seven part series originally titled “Retirement Wisdom.” The series explained the the seven principles to reaching your retirement goals.

How to Implement Basic Investment Strategies
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In 2009, David Marotta wrote a five-part article series for the Charlottesville Business Journal covering basic investment strategies. Its advice is still relevant today.

How to Budget for Emergencies (The Series)
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It is possible to be prepared for financial emergencies by living 10% more frugally and saving for the inevitable eventuality.

What is the Correlation of the Asset Classes?
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Asset classes are best defined by looking at the correlation of their returns. These four 2015 articles take a close examination at the three appreciation asset classes.

The Do-It-Yourself Checklist: Account Set Up
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How to go from where you are now to being one of our clients under our “Do-It-Yourself” service level.

Your Investment Manager’s Politics Matter (Where Markets Fail Series)
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An investment manager who is “at times a soft socialist” like Voss will be more likely to engage in active management, market timing, and gambling on individual stocks.

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