Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 5 – What Hedge Funds Do Right
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You can smooth your returns without any of hedge fund’s drawbacks.

Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 4 – High Fees and Poor Regulatory Control
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Wanting to avoid regulations, Hedge funds appeal to investor’s snobbery to make it seem like a privilege.

Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 3 – Poor Compensation Structure
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You take all the risk, but the manager gets twenty percent of any winnings. This is not a good compensation scheme.

Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 2 – Poor Performance
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Hedge claims are equivalent to “All of the coins I want to tell you about came up heads.”

Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 1 – What Are Hedge Funds?
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As Hedge funds grow in popularity, beware of following the lemmings.

Rocks and Sand – Keeping Expense Ratios Low
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Good portfolios have low expense ratios and minimal trading costs.

Ruling Allows Broker Conflict of Interest
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Currently, stockbrokers can offer the same services as Fee-Only financial planners without being accountable to the same fiduciary standards. This exemption to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 has been called the “Merrill Lynch rule.”

Fifty+ Retirement Investing – Part 3
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We are gradually becoming our grandparents.

Fifty+ Retirement Products – Part 2
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Marketing promises and good friends often cloud the facts.

Fifty+ Retirement Planning – Part 1
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Many people are afraid of having their retirement progress assessed.

Look Over Your Tax Return
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Decreasing your standard of living is the quickest path toward retirement.

You’re Fired! Now Get to Work!
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“You’re fired!” can be an opportunity to work for yourself. But the best two words you might hear are yourself saying, “I quit.” Working for yourself is risky and frightening, but the financial freedom and opportunities you gain are significant.

Taxes are NOT Funny
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“April is the month,” one wit noted, “when the green returns to the lawn, the trees and the Internal Revenue Service.”

Tax Freedom Day Arrives on April 17th, 2005
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Two hours and twenty minutes of every eight hour day go to pay taxes. Three minutes go toward personal savings.

You Too Can Become A Billionaire (2005)
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On your way to becoming a billionaire, the million markers become commonplace.

Budgeting Part 3: Reduce Your Spending
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Spending less money isn’t an end it itself. Directing your spending to what you truly value is what is important.

Budgeting Part 2: Living On A Family Budget
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Keeping control of your finances means that you can have more fun with your money.

Budgeting Part 1: Creating A Family Budget
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“Do I really want to spend my money in this way?”

Investments In China
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Baring a real people’s revolution, it will take until 2050 for China to complete their slow march to free markets.

The Alternatives to Privatizing Social Security Are Worse – Part 2
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It is a tragic irony that the goals of collectivism are best achieved by respecting individual liberties.

The Alternatives To Privatizing Social Security Are Worse – Part 1
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The incentives that produce wealth also produce inequity. Valuing equality above all else destroys the real wealth they are trying to redistribute.

The Value of Emphasizing Value Stocks
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Overweighting investments with average higher return and lower risk is a win-win situation.

Social Security Is Hopelessly Broken
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The wealth gap between blacks and whites widens each generation as a direct result of Social Security.

How to Get Free-Only Financial Advice
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NAPFA members give away a great deal of valuable advice.

Exchange Traded Funds
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ETFs combine tax efficiency with low expenses.

We Could be in a Real Estate Bubble
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The value of any asset category does not go in one direction forever. The housing prices boom shows signs of weakness, and that they may correct or at least under perform for the next few years.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 3
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There is an art to selecting the right investment vehicles for individual portfolios.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 2
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Keeping expenses low helps keep your return high.

Choose the Appropriate Investment Vehicle – Part 1
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A good investment advisor will tailor the investments to the specific characteristics of the investor’s situation.

Personal Debt – The Borrower Becomes The Lender’s Slave
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The truly rich person is anyone whose income is greater than his or her expenses and whose expenses are sufficient to their desires.

Using S&P 500 Index Funds Contains Hidden Risks
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If the S&P were a financial advisor it would say, “Let’s buy mostly large cap growth stocks in the industry that did well last year with a high price per earnings ratio.”

The Benefits Of Canadian Drugs Are A Pack Of Lies
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If Canada paid their fair share for pharmaceuticals prices would fall.

Wisdom To Be Learned From The Vice Presidential Nominees
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We guarantee you will agree it makes sense to entrust leadership to this last nominee.

Estate Planning For A Family Business Balances Three Roles
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Only 34% of family businesses successfully pass to the second generation and only 13% make it to the third generation.

Estate Planning Often Includes A Living Trust
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Many financial products are sold through greed or fear, but estate planning isn’t one of them. Having an estate plan and a living trust is an import part of wealth management.

Bush Policy Taxes Wealth by Devaluing the Dollar
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The point to remember is that what the government gives it must first take away. This is true even when running a federal deficit.

The Growing Federal Deficit is Bush’s Fault
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In the corporate world, mismanagement can only be covered up so long. In time, those responsible are held accountable. Companies fold. Executives are taken away in handcuffs. Only in the federal government can poorly manage bad ideas and still plead they are underfunded.

Taxes Matter 5 – The Economics And Mindset Of The Rich
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Encourage the rich to be rich or else suffer the consequences of striving toward making us all equally destitute.

Taxes Matter 4 – Private Charity vs. Government Entitlement Programs
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Voting for government entitlement programs is like being generous with your neighbor’s credit card.

Op Ed: High Oil Prices are Good
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Let the free market work its magic. Markets are brilliant in their ability to determine the optimal value and use of limited resources.

Taxes Matter 3 – Taxes Reduce The Opportunities For Economy Efficiencies
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If a Democrat proposed a flat tax, they would take away the Republican’s major platform and be easily elected.

Taxes Matter 2 – The Democratic Party Has Changed
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We would be wiser and stronger to take the advice of Thomas Jefferson, the second Governor of Virginia who said, “A wise and frugal Government, shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”

Taxes Matter 1 – The Laffer Curve
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Many people wish to prevent the rich from earning more money, even if that results in smaller tax revenues and a less productive economy.

Immediate Fixed Annuities Part 3 – Additional Questions
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Lottery tickets are also a good deal, if you win – otherwise it is just a tax on people who can’t do math.

Immediate Fixed Annuities Part 2 – Immediate Fixed Annuities – The Hidden Risks
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Because you can’t change your mind, and you can’t spend your money ahead of time, the best use of an immediate fixed annuity is to protect you from yourself. Call me wild and crazy, but this is not the risk I am worried about.

Immediate Fixed Annuities Part 1 – Immediate Fixed Annuities Aren’t Really “Fixed”
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The returns offered by immediate fixed annuities aren’t as good as they sound. The slight of hand in this case is the immediate loss of 100% of your principal. They are “fixed” for you to lose and the insurance company to win.

Atkins Investing Part 2: Low-Carb Investing Has Resulted in Healthy Profits
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Diversify your business and your investments. That way fads and trends won’t determine your financial success.

Atkins Investing Part 1: Low-Carb Trend Has Caused Some Companies to Lose Weight
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Adapting and reacting to trends is important in investing and crucial in small business.

Gas Prices Part 2: Remove Taxes and Price Controls on Gasoline
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At least 40% of the federal gasoline taxes are wasted on non-highway items of dubious general welfare. And 2.86 cents of the revenue is used to subsidize mass transit unused by all but a few large cities.
As an additional inequity, Virginia is a donor state. That means that Virginia, like most southern states, sends the government more in gasoline taxes than it receives in federal pork. We don’t even get to waste our own money! Most of the pork is sent to the Northeast and to states with more influential senators.

Gas Prices Part 1: High Gasoline Prices Are The Best Energy Policy
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If market forces drive up the price of gasoline, any efforts to reduce it aside from supply and demand punishes the exercise of economic freedom and personal responsibility. If you find the moral argument of freedom unconvincing, free markets can still win the pragmatic debate.

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