Economic Freedom Part 2: Let Freedom Ka-Ching
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We find the Heritage study useful, both to refute other presidential candidate’s claims that governmental coercion will make us richer economically, and also to help us find those countries where investment actually would make us richer.

Economic Freedom Part 1: Invest In Countries With Economic Freedom
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Each year since 1994 the Heritage Foundation has used a systematic, empirical measurement of economic freedom in countries throughout the world.

Foreign Trade Not Aid Encourages Freedom Abroad
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The amount of money involved in foreign aid is often large enough to politicize the economic life of a small country and lead to massive graft, corruption, and waste.

Health Savings Accounts
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All systems must have a regulator in order to dampen runaway reactions. Healthcare coverage is no exception.

The High Cost of Medical Benefits
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Here is a rule for building stable economic systems: Who pays for a service and who is empowered to decide if a service should be given and who actually benefits from the service should all be the same person.

Everyone Needs Some Frivolous Purchases
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When you make a frivolous purchase, tell your spouse that you made it. If you can’t tell your spouse about the purchase, it isn’t worth the trouble. Above all, learn to work together in marriage. Being wealthy requires a husband and wife to both be frugal.

Long-Term Care Insurance Is Too Risky And Too Expensive
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Some types of insurance are a good idea. But LTCI is better handled by preparing early in life.

Wealth Is What You Save, Not What You Spend
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The real lifestyles of the rich in Charlottesville would get very low television ratings.

Speed Is Not Critical When Investing
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I will give you the forecast for the next TEN years in the US Markets: Up, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Up, Up. These predictions are not in chronological order.

Social Security Can Be Saved
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We can have our benefits and lower taxes if we are willing to admit that socializing retirement benefits was a mistake and we return to trusting once again, the in power of free markets.

Financial Resolutions for the New Year – 2004
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Keeping a budget works like a diet. Some diets require you to write down everything you eat and count calories, shares, ranking, or other food units. It makes eating more painful, causing you to eat less.

Holiday Joy Doesn’t Cost A Fortune
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One of my favorite Christmas movies is the version of “A Christmas Carol” starring George C. Scott as Ebenezer Scrooge. I confess that I understand Scrooge’s character.

How To Get Out Of Debt (Part 5)
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Admit your past debt mistakes readily. Like a former alcoholic you must be constantly vigilant against slipping up again.

How To Get Out Of Debt (Part 4)
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You bought more things than you can pay for. That is an error in judgment. Given the evil in the world, your small financial troubles aren’t that bad.

How To Get Out Of Debt (Part 3)
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Only after you have steeled your resolve not to borrow any more money are you ready to deal with paying off your current debt.

How To Get Out Of Debt (Part 2)
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By definition, to get rid of consumer debt, simply stop borrowing money.

How To Get Out Of Debt (Part 1)
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We are losing many potential asset management clients because of credit card debt! The difference between those in debt and millionaires is as small as slight changes in financial lifestyle.

Don’t Eat Yourself Out of Financial Security
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Great financial wealth can be built by living a beer and chips lifestyle on a champagne and caviar budget!

Gifting Your Gains Can Save You Money
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No matter what worthy organizations you support, you can give up to 15% more if you give them appreciated stock instead of cash.

California’s Recall Is A Warning To Us All
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Despite your political persuasion, Governor Gray Davis shows how even the golden goose can be cooked. His mistakes rightly deserve the ridicule he has received.

Investment Losses Can Save You Money
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October is a good time to review your portfolio for investments that can be sold for a loss.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race
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You can learn a lot about financial management from snapping turtles.

How Risky Do You Want To Be?
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“Bet on red.” replied my mother, “Now, let’s talk about how much risk you want to take.”

The Implications Of A Sharply Rising Money Supply
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Inflation ultimately has to rise and keep pace with increases in the money supply.

The Use of Covered Call Options
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It is usually better to be a seller of options than a buyer of options.

Five Reasons To Invest Outside The US
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All investors should have a certain measure of foreign investments. That may sound scary, but not as scary as putting all your eggs in one country’s basket!

Am I Diversified?
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While everyone agrees that you should be diversified, it is important to know what your manager means by the term “diversified.”

Financial Planning Beyond Your Wedding Day
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In addition to registering for a blender and picking floral arrangements, make sure that your marriage has the financial accounts and monetary habits necessary to meet your shared financial goals.

Tax Cuts For Those Who Pay
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The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up at the table anymore.

Tax Freedom Day 2003 Arrives in Virginia on April 15th
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If you add the costs of complying with government regulations, the cost to society is over 50%. Imagine the economic boom if the other half of workers’ labor were set free to boost productivity!

The History of Mutual Funds
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Today, we have 8,269 mutual funds. About one-third of all common stocks are held in mutual funds.

Will The U.S. Go The Way Of Japan?
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In the US we allow companies to go bankrupt when they cannot succeed in business.

Strategies for Today’s (Fall, 2002) Stock Market Investing: Why Your Portfolio May Not Be Ready
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Recently record amounts of money have been taken out of stocks and put into bonds. These investors assume that at least their money will be safer in cash or bonds. These assumptions are wrong.

The Five Most Important Documents to Have
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If you think estate planning information is hard for you to pull together, imagine how difficult it will be for someone else who is asked to fill your shoes in an emergency!

How to Avoid Higher Cost Mutual Funds
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If you rely on a commission-based financial product salesperson, you will probably be sold the wrong kind of funds.

How to Avoid Another Stock Market Bubble
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Congress contributed greatly to the bubble through the distorted incentives created by the tax code.

Tax Freedom Day 2001 Arrives in Virginia on April 30th
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These are no longer the questions of the idle rich desiring to hoard their inherited wealth.

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