Q&A: Can I Do Backdoor Roth and an IRA Rollover In the Same Year?
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This person has no IRA balance, but is about to get one with an IRA Rollover. So the question is one of timing: can they do the IRA Rollover after the nondeductible contribution has already been converted so that their cream and coffee never mix?

Q&A: What is the Average Real Return of the Stock Market?
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The real return of the stock market going forward is often debated.

Q&A: Can I Turn My Real Estate Income Into a REIT to Get the QBI Deduction?
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You are allowed to deduct “up to 20 percent of their combined qualified real estate investment trust (REIT) dividends,” and this deduction is unlimited. So it begs the question: Is there a way I can deduct my normal real estate income?

Is ‘Buy On The Dips’ A Good Investing Strategy?
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“Buy on the dips” is a good strategy only because of the first word.

Do Dividend Paying Stocks Make Better Investments?
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For all of these reasons, our recommended investment strategy does not focus on dividend-paying stocks.

Q&A: What Happens if an Inherited IRA Fails to Get Inherited?
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There is a tangled web of rules and options. For any given family situation and set of desires, there is a best answer when it comes to meeting your wishes, minimizing the tax owed, and optimizing your estate plan.

Q&A: Are Forgiven Student Loans Subject to Income Tax?
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Student loan forgiveness is normally taxable and reported to the IRS on a 1099-C, but there are big exceptions.

Does Per Capita or Per Stirpes Include Spouses?
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People think about marriage differently. These views and more shape the way that people want per stirpes and per capita to work.

Q&A: Do We Need Contingent Beneficiaries If We Have Wills?
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The short answer is absolutely yes you do. Here’s why.

Do Stock Buybacks Bring Real Value?
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Stock buyback programs are a method of returning profits to shareholders without causing a taxable event.

What Is The Average Holding Period For A Stock?
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The average holding period for a stock is not simply the inverse of liquidity.

What Is Shareholder Primacy?
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Since only a small portion of stock is traded each day, a large majority of shareholders prioritize the long term appreciation of the value of the company.

What Is The 30-Day Election Period For Retirement Plan Rollovers?
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The regulation is an attempt to protect participants who don’t understand the rules set up by the government.

Q&A: Can I Use 529 Funds for Off-Campus Housing?
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In general, you can use 529 funds to pay for your student’s off-campus housing costs.

Review of CFP Board’s Ten Questions For Your Advisor
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Although these questions may help some people discern which professional to sign up with, I like our ten questions better as they cut to the heart of the matter. That being said, the more you know about an advisor the better.

Our Firm is a Statistical Outlier
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We are a statistical outlier: We are young; we are female.

Should My Portfolio Asset Allocation Include Emerging Markets?
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A blended portfolio can perform better even as some of its components under perform due to the rebalancing bonus.

Q&A: Have You Ever Been Publicly Disciplined for Any Unlawful or Unethical Actions in Your Career?
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We believe following our eight principles to safeguard your money provides a better safeguard than checking for past violations.

Q&A: Do Others Stand to Gain from the Financial Advice You Give Me?
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You deserve advice from a firm where you don’t have to second guess where their loyalties lie.

Q&A: How Will I Pay for Your Financial Planning Services? How Much Do You Typically Charge?
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It is relatively easy for fee-only fiduciaries to answer the question “How much do you charge?” The only fee they collect is the fee that the client directly pays them.

Q&A: Does a Power of Attorney Agent Have a Fiduciary Duty?
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A reader asks, “As her descendant and agent following the rules as written, it is my understanding that I could gift myself $14,000 each year. But can I really?”

Q&A: Will You Be the Only Financial Planner Working with Me?
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At Marotta Wealth Management, we believe that a team collaborating on your behalf provides you with better service.

Q&A: What Types of Clients Do You Typically Work with?
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We believe that the basic principles of financial planning are the same no matter how many zeros you add.

Q&A: What is Your Approach to Financial Planning?
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If this is the approach you want for your financial planning, give us a call to get started today!

Q&A: What Are Your Qualifications?
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We require each Investment Committee member to have, at a minimum, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) or Chartered Financial Analyst ® (CFA) designation.

Q&A: What Experience Do You Have?
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Marotta Wealth Management (originally Marotta Asset Management) was founded in 2000 by David John Marotta.

Q&A: Dividend Payouts and My Monthly Statement
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What’s the difference between Schwab’s “Ending Value” line and their “Ending Value with Accrued Income” line on my monthly statements?

Q&A: Can I Fund My Roth IRA with Appreciated Stock?
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Sadly, the IRS is very clear about this; contributions must be cash.

Q&A: My Baby was Gifted Cash. What Should I Do with It?
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As the parent, it can be hard to know what to do with a cash gift for a baby.

Q&A: Should Dividends Be Reinvested?
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A question from our readers, “Should I choose to have dividends reinvested or should I receive them in cash and then reinvest them myself?”

How to Analyze an Individual Stock
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Let’s use some of the publicly available information about HubSpot, Inc. (HUBS) to see what factors the stock shares.

Q&A: Can I Pay for My Student’s Computer Repair Using 529 Funds?
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In 2015, Congress passed the PATCH Act that included a provision which allowed computer purchases to be a qualified education expense for 529 plans. But what of computer repairs?

Understanding the 5-Year Holding Period, Roth Conversions, and Exceptions
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To avoid the 10% penalty, do I have to satisfy the 5-year holding period for my Roth conversions if I’m over age 59 1/2? The IRS is not very clear when it comes to when you need to pay penalties on Roth IRA withdrawals, but I think I know the answer.

Mailbag: How Do I Replenish A Bond Laddering Strategy?
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When you use a bond laddering strategy with funds, rebalancing to your asset allocation naturally buys and sells bond funds as appropriate.

Q&A: Can You Be My Executor?
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Sadly, we have to say no. Even though we won’t be your executor, we are still here to help your executor, trustee, and loved ones through the estate maintenance and settlement process.

Q&A: What’s My Roth Conversion Limit?
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The legal answer to this question is: there is no limit. The practical answer is: it depends on a number of things.

Mailbag: Stop Before Using Stop Orders
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We do not recommend using stop loss orders. Now, it appears that the New York Stock Exchange agrees.

What Capital Gains Is Owed For The Sale Of Gifted Stock?
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It is better to leave stock to a family member in your estate plan than to gift them the stock while you are alive.

Can I Put My RMD Into A Roth IRA?
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Annual required minimum distributions must be satisfied before any additional amounts are converted to a Roth IRA.

Can I Contribute To A Roth IRA If I Don’t Have A Job?
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You can only contribute to your Roth IRA if you have what the IRS calls “earned” income. This makes it all the more important to contribute to your Roth IRA every year you can.

Can I Contribute To My Wife’s Roth IRA?
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I have earned income but my wife does not. Can I contribute to my wife’s Roth IRA?

Mailbag: Roth IRA vs. Roth 401(k), Which is Better?
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Differing legislation makes one of the two preferable.

Mailbag: Can I Use My IRA As Collateral?
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There is a complex way, but we don’t recommend the strategy.

Mailbag: What Does The Shanghai Composite Being Down 32.1% Mean?
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Is it a crash or just a correction? On average, the drop from peak to trough takes 85 days and the markets have recovered after another 107 days.

Are Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Funds Better Investments?
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“What do you think of the idea of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) implemented simply by investing in something like the Domini Social Equity Fund (DSEFX)?”

Social Security for 70’s Child
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“I’m 58 and I’ve been married and divorced twice. …I realize this is complicated, but you gotta love the 70’s!”

Mailbag: Confused by Google And Yahoo Finance
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Q&A: “I don’t understand how to explain what happened to the share price. What was going on in the fund?”

What Is The Alternative To An Annuity?
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An immediate fixed annuity is not an investment; it is an insurance product.

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