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A College Degree is Worth a Million Bucks
Education matters. He who doesn’t teach his son a trade teaches him to steal.
What Your Advisor Doesn’t Want You to Ask
Probably the most important question you can ask of anyone offering you financial advice is, “Do you have a legal obligation to act in my best interests?”
Build with Bricks, not Straw or Sticks
There are many things riskier than volatility.
Germany: Worst Economic Weakness May Be Over
Reunification of the country has put a drag on economic growth.
Salzburg: Seasoned With White Gold
The value of salt in ancient time was enormous.
Austria And The Road Back From Serfdom
Hayek wrote, “More harm and misery have been caused by men determined to use coercion to stamp out a moral evil than by men intent on doing evil.”
Italian Mafia Coming to America Soon
Italy reminds us that governmental solutions can be worse than private sector problems.
Italian Communists And Beautiful Girls
Hard work can’t always overcome Italian bureaucracy.
Country Specific Investing Pays Dividends
During 2002-2004, iShares of the ten economically freest countries outperformed the index by 5.43% each year.
Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 5 – What Hedge Funds Do Right
You can smooth your returns without any of hedge fund’s drawbacks.
Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 4 – High Fees and Poor Regulatory Control
Wanting to avoid regulations, Hedge funds appeal to investor’s snobbery to make it seem like a privilege.
Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 3 – Poor Compensation Structure
You take all the risk, but the manager gets twenty percent of any winnings. This is not a good compensation scheme.
Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 2 – Poor Performance
Hedge claims are equivalent to “All of the coins I want to tell you about came up heads.”
Hedge Funds Aren’t Worth The Risk Part 1 – What Are Hedge Funds?
As Hedge funds grow in popularity, beware of following the lemmings.
Rocks and Sand – Keeping Expense Ratios Low
Good portfolios have low expense ratios and minimal trading costs.