Seven Techniques for Small Business Wealth Management
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Here are seven techniques for small business owners to build real wealth.

My Best Case for Socially Responsible Investing
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My best case for SRI is a personal story of lace, oil paintings, tobacco, and Ray Stedman.

What Expenses Can My 529 Account Reimburse in 2017?
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While this may seem complex, don’t let it deter you from using a 529 account to the fullest extent possible.

Don’t Delay Roth Conversions
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Putting money in your Roth without delay is valuable.

Employers Who Offer A Retirement Plan Have A Fiduciary Responsibility
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Every business owner or director of a non-profit should realize that if they don’t take their fiduciary responsibility seriously they are legally liable for their neglect and inaction.

Where is Your Priority: Tax Preparation or Tax Planning?
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At our firm, tax planning is our priority. We hope to maximize after-tax net worth over your lifetime, even if it is at the expense of this one year.

The Route from Wealth to Well-Being
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We don’t write a lot about how to spend money, but an international study published this year claims to have found the route from wealth to well-being through spending money.

Navigating Your Employer Retirement Plan Fund Choices
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Since your employer’s plan usually has the most limited number of choices, pick the best it has to offer that fits with in your over all plan.

Choosing Between Your Employee Retirement Account Options
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Putting all of your retirement eggs in one basket is easy to carry, but risky. Fund your employer’s plan with no more than is necessary to get the match and then fund your Roth IRA and build your taxable savings.

The Business of Being an Artist
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Financial planning is simply doing what it takes to give you the means to do what you want. The poorer you are the more you need financial planning. You don’t have any margin for mistakes.

How to Get Started with Retirement Planning
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Most of the assets you use to fund your retirement will come from compounded growth.

Value of a Roth Segregation Conversion Strategy
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While most investment advisors do one total conversion or partial conversion here or there, we have a dedicated Roth segregation strategy, which adds real value to our clients accounts.

How to Lower Your AGI and Why You’d Want To
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Here are 8 reasons you’d want to lower your AGI and 8 methods to lower your AGI.

How to Save for Retirement
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Every pay period, pay yourself first. You won’t miss what you don’t see.

Generational Financial Planning Within The Kiddie Tax Limits
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Families that consider generational financial planning techniques can reduce the burden of taxes on the family as a whole.

Our Customized Roth Conversion Recommendations
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I have learned there are so many more wise plans than just “top of the bracket” conversions.

Six Ways To Prevent Your Estate Plan From Ruining Your Roth IRA
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Many executors, trustees, or even estate plans make careless mistakes which end up in Roth IRAs being distributed too quickly. Here’s a list of ways to prevent your estate plan from ruining your Roth.

How to Calculate Your RMD: a Uniform, Inherited, and Joint Divisor Calculator
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There are different tables and formulas used to calculate your RMD divisor based on your particular circumstances. Here is a calculator for the three most common.

When Partial-Year HSA Contribution Limits Don’t Apply
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Under the “last-month rule,” you can contribute the full amount even after a partial year assuming you meet the “testing period.”

Three Strategies to Avoid Private Mortgage Insurance
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Avoiding PMI, if possible, is better for your long-term finances. Here are three strategies to avoid PMI.

Billing Client Accounts to the Client’s Greatest Benefit
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Investment managers can bring clients greater savings by carefully considering how they bill different types of accounts.

Best Practices for Trusts, Foundations, and Endowments
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Even if a committee has contracted with “prudent experts,” the Committee never delegates its fiduciary responsibility.

Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Duty as a Trustee or Board Member
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Despite the fact that millions serve in a fiduciary role, many are wholly unaware of their legal responsibilities.

How Much Can I Withdraw in Retirement?
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We have calculated safe withdrawal rates for ages 0 to 100 based on age-appropriate asset allocation mixes.

Roth Conversion: Take Your Required Minimum Distribution Out First
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A simple summary of how to meet your Required Minimum Distribution in the same year as you perform a Roth Conversion is the axiom: RMD dollars must come out first.

Testamentary Donor Advised Funds
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An easy estate workaround is to set up a Donor Advised Fund as a Testamentary fund, meaning you aren’t funding it yet, but it will be funded upon your death.

Can I Contribute to Both a SEP and a 401(k)?
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SEP plans offer a powerful way to provide for your own retirement in the same way that 401ks do.

The Happy Habits of Appreciation and Gratitude
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Life planning begins as thoughts and ultimately shapes our entire destiny.

How Cookie-Cutter Powers of Attorney Fail
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This style of Power of Attorney certainly gets the job done, but there are a few ways that the cookie-cutter POA most frequently fails to meet people’s wishes.

How to Pay Off Student Loans While Building Wealth
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While your student loans may be a daunting sum, it is still possible to build wealth even while paying off student debt.

Ten Principles for Teaching Children about Money
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Here are ten principles for teaching children about money.

What is a Roth Conversion?
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If you don’t have retirement savings in Roth IRAs, it’s time you considered their benefits. Assets in traditional IRAs can be rolled into Roth IRAs without a withdrawal penalty.

A Year of Financially Healthy Habits
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It is the season of spring cleaning, so here’s a calendar of ways to clean up your finances one step at a time.

How Long Should I Give An Investment Plan?
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Even the most brilliantly crafted investment plan has to be given time to work.

The Complete Guide to Creating an Investment Plan
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This is a summary of the six steps required to create a well-crafted investment plan.

Reasons to Keep a Local Bank Account
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Investment brokers like Schwab offer many services local banks offer but there are a few reasons why you might want to resist consolidating all of your accounts to a broker.

Start Early on Retirement Planning
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Retirement planning should begin the moment you receive your first paycheck.

How Roth Conversions Are Reported to the IRS
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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is notorious for misunderstanding the recharacterizations of Roth conversions.

Six Creative Beneficiary Designation Ideas
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These are just some examples of the creative beneficiary designations, but the important part is to dream big about what your wishes are.

Understanding Your IRA Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
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After you reach the age of 70 1/2, the IRS requires you to begin taking minimum distributions from your traditional retirement accounts.

How to Factor Social Security into Your Safe Withdrawal Rate
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Carefully computing and adding your Social Security early retirement safe withdrawal rate can safely boost your early retirement standard of living without jeopardizing your future finances.

Why You Should Use a Donor Advised Fund
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We highly recommend a Donor Advised Fund for generous investors.

Small Changes Have Large Effects Over Time
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A swimmer takes one stroke at a time and yet makes great progress.

How Frequently Should I Redo My Estate Plan?
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Here are the most common reasons that your plan might need to be updated or revised and what to do about them.

When Should You Stop Funding Your HSA?
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You’ve opened your HSA and funded it for several years. When should you stop funding it?

How to Avoid a Down Payment on a Mortgage
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If you prefer to keep your down payment money invested in the markets for longer, there are two alternatives.

How to Keep Your Identity Safe Online
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Here are some rules for handling your digital security.

Which Retirement Account Should I Fund?
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Which account you should fund depends on your circumstances, but here are some general guidelines you can follow to make your decision.

Steps for Getting Out of Debt
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I have outlined some steps to help you figure out how to pay down your debt and get back on track.

How Much Umbrella Insurance Do I Need?
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Umbrella insurance covers you for liability that goes above and beyond your auto and homeowners insurance.

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