#TBT Should I Wait Until After The End Of The World To Start Investing?
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Instead of waiting, remember that the greatest buying opportunity of your life is always right now.

#TBT Should I Buy Commercial Real Estate?
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This article gives you the formula to decide how much to offer or if the property is a good deal.

#TBT Seven Elder Abuse Scams and How to Protect Yourself
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About 4% of elders falling victim to fraud with estimates that over $2.9 billion is lost to elder abuse every year. Being aware of the scams helps to protect yourself.

No Tax Benefit to Gifting Capital Losses
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Gifting depreciated stock is more complex and never to anyone’s advantage.

FAILING to AVOID This Could RUIN your Financial Plan
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If this title attracted your attention, you may be prone to viewing clickbait.

What Is A Mutual Fund Share Class Exchange?
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Share class exchanges can create small savings for investors who have found themselves invested in the wrong share class. However, it is better to buy the lower cost funds in the first place.

What Is An Asset, A Liability, And An Investment?
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Knowing the difference between these categories helps you to use them appropriately.

#TBT Seven Financial Rules For Marital Bliss
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An overwhelming number of failed marriages cite financial troubles as a major factor in their breakup. See if this 2006 article can help make finances a place of union rather than separation.

Your Advisor’s Personal Trading Practices Always Matter
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Websites such as investor.com are useful, but not as useful as you might hope.

Radio: Best Practices For Using Credit Cards
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On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about best practices for using credit cards.

Radio: The Debt Ceiling (2023)
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On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about the current debt ceiling discussions.

The Best Way to Plan for Inflation is to Discount It
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By discounting portfolio returns to only real returns, we have already considered inflation in the planning targets.

#TBT Everyone Needs Some Frivolous Purchases
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Everyone needs some fun in their life, and sometimes fun costs a little money. This 2004 article shares six guidelines for dealing with purchases that might be considered frivolous.

#TBT Hitting the Debt Ceiling is Not the End of the World
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This article from 2011 reminds us that if the debt ceiling is reached, the consequences will be large but not entirely harmful.

#TBT The Price of Listening to Dire Predictions
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While it is always true that a recession will come eventually, shifting to bonds whenever one is predicted has serious consequences.

An Overview of Marotta’s 2023 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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While our 2022 update saw a number of changes, this year we only have one change.

Marotta’s 2023 Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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This gone-fishing portfolio is our default portfolio which can be used at any custodian.

Marotta’s 2023 Vanguard Gone-Fishing Portfolio Calculator
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We recommend this gone-fishing portfolio for investors with brand loyalty to Vanguard.

#TBT How Shrewd Investors Save on Taxes
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This 2007 post teaches how to use both investment losses and investment gains to good tax advantage.

Four Fidelity ETFs Cheaper Than Vanguard (2022 Analysis)
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In the past, we’ve shown some preference to Vanguard funds, but going forward we plan to show some preference to the cheaper Fidelity funds.

#TBT A Guide to the Bear Markets
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This series on each Bear Market helps remind us that there is nothing to fear.

Are Store Credit Cards Worth The Risk?
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In order for a store credit card to be worth consideration, it should offer cash back of somewhere near 5% and have no annual fee.

Radio: Projecting Your Own Longevity
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On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about how long we should plan on living in retirement projections.

What is a ‘Related Person’? (SEC ADV Part 1, Item 9, Question F)
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Item 9 Custody offers perhaps some of the most confusing and most often changed compliance questions.

Why the Verizon Visa Credit Card is My Primary Card
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I have adopted this card as the primary one in my wallet for groceries and gas.

#TBT That Rebate Check Could Ruin Your Retirement
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This 2008 article reminds us that anyone who spends more than 4% of their rebate will actually lose ground saving toward their retirement.

Using Franklin Funds in 2022 Saved Clients Over $360,000
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Reducing expense ratios by a theoretical 0.42% is a significant result. It is good to know that what works in theory has also worked even better in practice.

#TBT A Wealth of Satisfaction
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This 2011 article reminds us that there will never be another you in the history of the universe. Sometimes that is just the reminder we need.

#TBT Speed Is Not Critical When Investing
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Using the analogy of a peach orchard farmer compared to a doomsday weather watcher, David Marotta reminds us in this 2004 article that “For the speculator, speed is everything. Not so, for the investor.”

Radio: Inflation in December 2022
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On Tuesday, December 13, 2022, David John Marotta appeared on Radio 1070 WINA’s Schilling Show with Rob Schilling to talk about the causes of inflation.

Virtual Class: Success and Significance in Retirement (OLLI 2023)
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The class will be held April 13 through May 4, 2023 each Thursday from noon to 1:00 PM on Zoom.

#TBT For Valentine’s Day, Work on a Budget Together
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Financial planning can be romantic. As this 2011 article reminds us, “nothing is more romantic than planning how to realize your shared hopes and dreams for the future.”

#BestOf2022 How to Self-Insure for Long-Term Care Health Expenses
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Saving for long-term care, if done early enough, is not too expensive and helps to protect yourself from this potential financial shock.

#TBT How to Double Your Retirement
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Doubling your retirement is not a fast process. It is the slow and steady practices of daily financial diligence.

#TBT Recouping Losses Is Not As Hard As You Think
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This 2016 post has been our most popular search result recently for good reason. After the 2020 COVID bear market, this article is a comforting bit of math.

#TBT Maintain Financial Balance When in Business
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This 2004 post has ten timeless rules for small businesses to maintain their financial balance.

How Long Should I Plan On Living?
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Which is worse: Being destitute while still alive or dying happy and provided for with a little extra?

Account Funding Priorities for 2023
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A savings waterfall is a tool to help investors prioritize savings goals and allocate funds appropriately.

Nontaxable Social Security Thresholds Are Not Inflation-Adjusted
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Social Security has a number of flaws, to which these static tax brackets can be added.

Pension Lump Sums Are Affected By Rising Interest Rates
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If you have received a projection from your company which included a lump sum offer that you were interested in taking, you may want to analyze it again.

#TBT Don’t Eat Yourself Out of Financial Security
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The worst financial problems stem from trying to live a champagne and caviar lifestyle on a beer and chips budget.

The Haunting of Bob Cratchit: A Book from David Marotta
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Did you know David wrote a Christmas novel? This 2020 book by David John Marotta and Brendon Marotta makes you rethink what is happening in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.

Social Security Fact Report: Insolvent in 2035
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Every day, we voters and the government have the chance to free our children from this burden.

Be the One Who Can Write That Check
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It is perfectly fine for you to underspend your assets. You don’t need my permission, but you have my blessing anyway.

A Very Conservative Gone-Fishing Portfolio of Vanguard Mutual Funds
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I share this story here in case others in a similar situation may benefit from seeing this example.

Your Social Security Benefit Lags Inflation
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There are at least two reasons why your Social Security benefits are failing to keep up with inflation.

Lessons for 2022 from My 1983 First Mortgage at 11.5%
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We haven’t seen high interest rates in many years, but high interest rates do not remove the potential benefits of having a mortgage.

#TBT How Does The Fed Control Interest Rates In A Free Market?
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This 2014 article is a good reminder of how interest rates work in our country.

The Art and Science of a Bond Allocation (529 Plan Example)
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Adding more Stability to an asset allocation isn’t an easy issue. It takes science to know how much bonds you need. It takes artistry to gradually adjust your asset allocation over time. 

More Self-Control Leads to Wiser Spending, Not Less Spending
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In this article, I am defending the use of self-control in your financial habits.

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