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Our Articles

Video: Seven Financial Vows for Marital Bliss
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An overwhelming number of failed marriages cite financial troubles as a major factor in their breakup. This is no surprise because the way we use our time and money reflects our values. Without a strong set of shared values, marriages drift apart. But, dealing with finances together can bring a couple closer. Here are seven principles of how you can build wealth and your marriage.

Safeguard #3: Insist on Publicly Priced and Traded Investments
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One important safeguard is to insist on investing only in liquid assets. Investors undervalue liquidity 99.9% of the time. You need to be in the other 0.1%.

Safeguard #2: Walk Away from “Too Good to Be True”
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There are several investment safeguards you should insist on. One is to avoid any investment opportunity that sounds too good to be true.

Safeguard #1: Do Not Allow Your Advisor to Have Custody of Your Investments
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I was recently asked if investors should trust their financial advisors. And my short answer, you may be surprised to hear, was no. Your financial advisor should not also have custody of your investments.

Financial Resolutions for the New Year – 2009
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Every year many of us make New Year’s resolutions and then can’t follow through because we claim we’re too busy.

A Christmas Sermon
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Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. But for too many of us, it’s the season that unravels the careful financial planning of the previous 11 months. So this year, instead of trading your financial goals for a mountain of gifts and debt, take a moment to contemplate how a spiritual perspective can help you put your wealth in perspective.

Financial Time Perspective
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Philip Zimbardo’s latest book, “The Time Paradox” suggests that understanding your own time perspective may help you unlock the secrets of financial freedom. In other words, how we think determines who we are and what we do.

Radio: Financial Time Perspective
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David Marotta discusses how our time perspective influences our lives.

Owners of Second Homes: Beware of New Tax Laws
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A shortage of people are buying real estate and we’ve passed a one-per-customer tax incentive law.

When Will The Markets Stop Dropping?
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There is always a day of reckoning when people use debt to leverage their investments.

Dropping the Baton in Estate Titling
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How you “title” the property you own is a lot more important than you might think. Failure to title your assets properly could undo the best will and trust planning that money can buy.

Marotta Advisors Join NAPFA Bus In Richmond, Virginia
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Fee-Only financial advisors will be in cities across the country to conduct free advice events.

Keep Christmas Your Own Way
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This year, give your family the gift of financial peace of mind. Celebrate the season simply.

Radio: Keeping Christmas Your Own Way
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David Marotta discusses celebrating Christmas.

Give Generously During Hard Times
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For charity to be a virtue, it must be freely given from your own resources.

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