Financial Smorgasbord: Carnival #14

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This week we have a smorgasbord of ideas for everything from tips for building an emergency fund from scratch to financial tweets to writing engaging website pages.

Financial Smorgasbord: Carnival #14

Important Pages for Your Website
viveka presents Building An About Us Page posted at Hongkiat.
“The home page of your website is like a new suit that attracts attention. It generates a client’s interest in your business, but for them to make a decision on whether or not to deal with your company, they need to know more about you.”

Emergency Fund Tips
Adam presents Building an Emergency Fund in 3 Easy Steps posted at Money Rebound.
“Many personal finance experts tout emergency funds as the first step towards reaching true financial independence. Find out how to start building yours today.”

Household Budget-Makers
Christopher presents Using Online Tools to Manage a Household Budget posted at This That and The MBA.
“There are numerous websites out there dedicated to helping individual consumers develop and track their personal budgets. One option is Personal Capital, which helps you set up a working budget, track your purchases, and monitor investments. You can choose to link your financial accounts to their tracking service, giving you a clear idea of investment performance and where your money is going.”

Just for Fun: Financial Tweets
Stuart presents 21 of the Best Financial Tweets ( posted at Blog.
“A selection of the most inspiring financial tweets on wealth, entrepreneurship, budgeting and financial literacy.”

You Don’t Have to Build it to Patent It
Adam presents The Patent Shuffle ~ Make Money from Patents posted at Money Bulldog.
“Find out how one company was able to sue Apple for around $8 million dollars due to patent infringement. Do you have a Great Idea?”

Group Effort: Garage Sales
Adam presents Tips for a Successful Garage Sale posted at Money Rebound.
“Follow these tips on how to carefully prepare and plan your garage sale and you will be amazed at how much you could make. Who knows, perhaps the sale will give you a great start on your summer vacation fund!”

Carnival images are by impressionistic artist Leonid Afremov using a palette knife and oils. They are used with his permission.


Please note that the opinions expressed in these blog entries do not necessarily reflect Marotta On Money’s opinions.

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Wealth Manager

Austin Fey is a Wealth Manager at Marotta Wealth Management, specializing in charitable giving and asset allocations. She is a regular contributor to our Marotta On Money articles, often giving advice to those just getting started in finance.