#TBT How to Be a Good Executor
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If a friend recently asked you if you’re willing to be written into their will as an executor to their estate, this 2015 article will give you some food for thought before you reply.

#TBT When Partial-Year HSA Contribution Limits Don’t Apply
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If you have recently lost your health insurance or recently signed up for a new one, you may want to watch out for these rules.

#TBT Safety Second
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In 2013, we went whitewater rafting on the American River in California. Our guide’s speech inspired this powerful thought piece about disaster recovery that has a message for today.

#TBT Lessons from the Crash of 2007-2008
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Think we’re headed to another financial crash? Take a minute to learn from our last one.

#TBT Revisiting 2008 When The Markets Were Dropping
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In retrospect, it is clear that it was a good time to rebalance your portfolio, selling some of the bonds that you were so glad you had and buying more of the very stocks you were so worried about.

#TBT A Short History Of Wall Street
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Only recently has Main Street been so fully invested. This 2007 article chronicles how it all got started.

#TBT Realize Some Capital Gains Each Year To Keep Taxes Low
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There are at least four different capital gains tax rates. This 2017 article has how to minimize your tax owed at each one.

#BestOf2019 – Fund Your Child’s Roth with Chore Income
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One of the only articles on the Internet that clearly answers the question Can you fund your Roth with chore income? It’s just an added bonus for its readers that the answer is Yes.

#BestOf2019 – An Overview of Marotta’s 2019 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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Our gone-fishing portfolios are used by thousands of people, so it makes sense the article about it would be among our most popular of 2019. Our 2020 gone-fishing portfolios will come out in February.

#BestOf2019 – How to Do Everything at Schwab
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Four separate Schwab Tutorials made the top ten articles of 2019 with nearly 12K views each. Perhaps one day Schwab will write their own tutorials, but until then, I’m glad we can help so many people.

#BestOf2019 – Q&A: Can I Use 529 Funds for Off-Campus Housing?
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Elizabeth has written one post so far, and it was the most popular post of 2019. With over 12K views, this clear descriptions of the housing reimbursement rules has helped a lot of people.

#TBT Gift Ideas for Minimalists
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This 2018 article details some of our best gift ideas for some of the hardest people to shop for.

#TBT Blending Index Funds To Achieve Higher Returns
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When crafting your own buy list, this 2007 article reminds us that rather than just finding one index fund to fulfill your asset class, you should consider blending multiple sector level index funds to decrease volatility or increase return.

#TBT Common Endowment Mistakes
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When endowment funds fall victim to poor management, the results are as bad as they are far reaching. This 2016 article reviews the six most common pitfalls of endowments and how to avoid them.

#TBT Your Asset Allocation Should Be Priceless
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Rebalancing from stocks into bonds reduces your returns on average since bonds have a lower average return. But, as this 2015 article reminds us, there are decades of very choppy markets where even rebalancing an allocation of stocks and bonds can boost returns.

#TBT Marotta’s 2019 Gone-Fishing Portfolios
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In case you missed it, here is the overview of our Marotta’s 2019 Gone-Fishing Portfolios. These are our recommended simple asset allocations for those just getting started with investing.

#TBT Roth Conversion: Take Your Required Minimum Distribution Out First
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With a thorough understanding of the IRS rules, performing a Roth Conversion even after your so-called Required Beginning Date (RBD) can be both easy and profitable. This 2016 article teaches how.

#TBT Compute Your Net Worth Once A Year
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This 2006 article teaches you how to use a net worth statement is to measure your progress toward retirement and, as David Marotta writes, “What gets measured is more likely to be accomplished.”

#TBT Getting The Most From Your 401(k) Or 403(b)
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The average worker will have a dozen employers and work at each job for less than four years. Your career is now your responsibility, and so is your retirement plan. Allow this 2010 article to be your lifetime Human Resources Department guide to being financially prepared.

#TBT Business Planning Must Balance Dreams With Reality
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This 2004 article contains the five steps you should take to navigate how to make your business venture more than just a dream.

#TBT High Prices For Energy Are Good!
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This 2001 post from George Marotta reminds us that “If prices are determined by the market place, there is never a ‘shortage’ of anything. There is an excess of demand because energy prices are too low.”

#TBT Fund Your HSA To Cover Retirement Healthcare Costs
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This 2007 post offers us a bit of timeless advice. Funding a Health Savings Account can be as much about your present medical bills as it is about your end of life care.

#TBT Fourteen Ways to Avoid Paying Capital Gains
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The capital gains tax is economically senseless. This 2014 post has fourteen of the loopholes the government’s gain tax unintentionally incentivizes.

#TBT How Much Umbrella Insurance Do I Need?
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This 2015 article reminds us of the benefits of umbrella insurance. We recommend $2 to $5 million of umbrella coverage for typical families with assets over $300,000.

#TBT Florence Mortlock
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This 2006 article shares the personal story of David Marotta’s maternal grandmother who lived to age 99 1/2.

#TBT Socially Responsible Investing
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“Better is having a financial advisor who gets to know you personally and manages your finances according to your specific values.”

#TBT How to Avoid Higher Cost Mutual Funds
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This 2002 post reminds us, “If you rely on a commission-based financial product salesperson, you will probably be sold the wrong kind of funds.” It was also the first article of ours to be featured in the “Charlottesville Business Journal.”

#TBT Donald Mortlock
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If you ever wondered how the stock market works, this 2006 article is for you. It is both the personal story of David Marotta’s maternal grandfather, Donald Mortlock, and an explanation of how the market of the stock market is made.

#TBT Is the Era of Big Government Really Over?
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This 1998 speech by George Marotta was in response to President Bill Clinton bold statement that “the era of big government is over.” Is it really? Twenty years later the skepticism of this post rings true.

#TBT You’re Fired! Now Get to Work!
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Back in 2004, we watched Donald Trump as a reality TV show star. This throwback article is an inspiring reminder that “You’re fired!” can be an opportunity to work for yourself.

#TBT A Compromise to Achieve Universal Coverage
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“Once the incision is made, there is no turning back. And without a clear understanding of economics, our experimental treatment may kill Uncle Sam.” It’s too bad Congress didn’t take this 2009 article’s advice yet.

#TBT SEC Requires New ADV Part 2 Disclosure Form
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This 2011 post marks the birth of the SEC-required “plain English” descriptive brochure of disclosures. As David Marotta predicted, this new requirement was just another feel-good legislation aimed at making people feel safer without actually making them safer.

#TBT The History of Mutual Funds
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93 years ago there was only one mutual fund. Today, there are thousands. This 2003 article tells the story of how this staple of the financial services world got its start.

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