A Roth conversion is the process of moving assets from your traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) into a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs are unique because the investment growth is never subject to taxation – even when the assets are distributed from the account.

Roth conversions can avoid future Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), enhance the value of your estate, and smooth your tax burden across several years.

At Marotta Wealth Management, we assess each of our “Comprehensive” level clients for tax planning opportunities. If they are good candidates for a Roth conversion, we develop a personalized Roth conversion plan and revisit it every year. Over a client’s lifetime, we believe this service can be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or, in many cases for high net worth clients, millions of dollars.

We also provide the administrative support necessary to oversee the entire conversion process, including helping you or your tax preparer make sense of the reporting.

In Roth Conversions, Reducing Your RMD is One of the Benefits

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Required minimum distributions are taxed as taxable income, the same as other types of traditional IRA withdrawals and Roth conversions.

What Interferes With a Backdoor Roth?

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Here are three common Roth transactions and how they interact with MAGI for Roth IRA purposes.

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